Robinwood Nursery

Robinwood Nursery 18827 Robinwood Rd, SW, Vashon, WA 206-463-5115 Contact: Featuring: Dwarf Japanese Maple selection–leaf color orange to green to red and variegated Fagus sylvatica ‘Red Obelisk Metasequoia ‘Miss Grace Shrubs including Kalmiopsis ‘Umpqua Form’ (small, rare SW Oregon native from N. Umpqua River area) Proven Winner Barberry selections Perennials: Two newer Hellebores–‘Pink […]

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Species R. valentinianum

Compact shrubs to 4 ft. Flowers (March-April) are bright yellow. Very distinct dark hairy leaves and richly colored flowers on a tender shrub. Found growing on cliffs and stony slopes from 9,000 to 12,000 ft. NE Burma, China.

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Species R. agastum

Attractive early-blooming evergreen shrubs with pale to deep rose flowers. The flowers are pale to deep pink or sometimes white flushed pink but always blotched and usually spotted. Recent field work has proven that this

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Species R. cephalanthum ssp. cephalanthum

Dwarf and compact to prostrate evergreen shrubs with small oval and fragrant scaly foliage. The small, narrowly tubular flowers (mid-spring) have spreading lobes and are reminiscent of the flowers of a daphne. They range in color from white to deep rose or yellow and occur in a rounded or sometimes flat-topped inflorescence. A choice and […]

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Species R. catacosmum

Compact evergreen shrubs, typically as wide as tall. The leaves are quite large for this group and obovate in shape. The thin silvery indumentum on the upper surface is relatively persistent and a thick pale brown indumentum covers the lower surface. The flowers (mid-spring) are bell-shaped with a fleshy texture and range in color from […]

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Species R. ciliatum

Low-growing compact evergreen shrubs with reddish brown peeling bark. The large funnel-shaped flowers are white or white flushed pink in early to mid-spring. The distinct and attractive glossy foliage is elliptic in shape with long hairs on the upper surface and fringing the margin. Tolerant of alkaline soil and fairly drought tolerant once established. Often […]

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Species R. barbatum

Large evergreen shrubs or small trees with an upright, well-branched habit and beautiful exfoliating reddish to purple bark. The dark green leaves typically have a bristly petiole and are quite attractive against the colorful flowers and bark. The brilliant red to crimson or scarlet flowers (very early to mid-spring) are in a dense round inflorescence. […]

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Species R. adenogynum

Broadly upright but compact-growing evergreen shrubs. The leaves have a distinctive spongy to somewhat woolly yellowish to greenish brown indumentum on the undersides. The flowers (mid-spring) are white to rose or rose-purple, often with purple or brownish spots. A free-flowering and relatively easily grown member of this subsection with outstanding foliage. Native to China (SE […]

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