Species R. catacosmum

Species: catacosmum
SubSection: Neriiflora
Native Country(s): China, Tibet
Regions: China : SE Tibet, China : Yunnan

Species Desc:

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Compact evergreen shrubs, typically as wide as tall. The leaves are quite large for this group and obovate in shape. The thin silvery indumentum on the upper surface is relatively persistent and a thick pale brown indumentum covers the lower surface. The flowers (mid-spring) are bell-shaped with a fleshy texture and range in color from scarlet to rose-crimson. A large calyx of the same color covers the lower portion of the nectary. An outstanding specimen plant that is unfortunately very difficult to propagate. Rare in cultivation and known in the wild from only a small area along the SE Tibet/NW Yunnan border where it occurs in forests and on cliffs from 12,000 to 14,500 ft.

Citimax Desc:

Compact evergreen shrubs typically as wide as tall. The leaves are quite large for this group and obovate in shape. The thin silvery indumentum on the upper surface is relatively persistent and a thick pale brown indumentum covers the lower surface. The flowers (mid-spring) are bell-shaped with a fleshy texture and range in color from scarlet to rose-crimson. A large calyx of the same color covers the lower portion of the nectary. An outstanding specimen plant that is unfortunately very difficult to propagate. Rare in cultivation and known in the wild from only a small area along the SE Tibet/NW Yunnan border where it occurs in forests and on cliffs from 12000 to 14500 ft. 1967/689 R#11185(59543):Windsor (0R24). Leaves with a cinnamon indumentum. Flowers large and deep red. 1982/195 HIL:AC (0).


1967/689 R#11185(59543) – Windsor (0R24). Leaves with a cinnamon indumentum. Flowers large and deep red.

1982/195 HIL – AC (0).

Categories: Citimax Profile