Rhododendron Species, Vol 9, 2014

2014 RSF Yearbook

2014_RSF_yearbook_front_cover_ARTICLES INCLUDE:

The 1997 Expedition to Yunnan, China
(revised from a series of articles previously published in the RSF Newsletter) by Steve Hootman

Full Circle: Polo De Lorenzo, Warren Smith, and the Sonoma Horticultural Nursery by Elaine Sedlack

Rain, Mud and Rhododendrons:
Exploring Arunachal Pradesh (Northeastern India) in the Monsoon Season by Hartwig Schepker

Below the Crater Rim: Orton Bradley Park and the Rhododendron Collection by Martin Wilkie

Ryukyu Azalea Group by Akihide Okamoto

Plant Hunters in China by Alleyne Cook

Rhododendron subgenus Rhododendron, subsection Saluenensia by Peter A. Cox

The Rhododendron Rock Garden at Exbury by Lionel de Rothschild

Gardening into the 21st Century by Charles Lyte

Kimchi, Soju, and Other Revelations in the Land of the Morning Calm  by Philip MacDougall

Species Rhododendrons in the Commercial Market: “Can You Send Us More?” by Mike Stewart

The Rhododendron Species Foundation and Botanical Garden


Catalog – 2014 Spring Distribution

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