
(Dedicated to the Memory of Warren Berg)

RSF Staff and Board of Directors Foreword, by Joe Ronsley Introduction by Steve Hootman and Rick Peterson  

Warren Berg—A Personal Remembrance, by Henry Schannen
Warren Berg’s Explorations in Asia, by Garratt Richardson
The Gorge of the Dulong, by Steve Hootman
Rhododendrons of the Philipines, by G.C.G. Argent
Rhododendron mendumiae and Some Other Philippine Introductions, by Bill Moyles
Growing Rhododendrons in Denmark, by Carl Adam Lehmann
Vietnamese Rhododendrons in Cultivation in the UK, by Keith Rushforth
The NessHolt Hybrid Rhododendrons—an Occidental Birth! by Peter Cunnington
Species Profile: Rhododendron maddenii Hooker, by Steve Hootman
Cheju, Another Yakushima, by Warren Berg
Yunnanand Sichuan: ChinaTour 2006, by Brenda Macdonald
Species Profile: Rhododendron calophytum Franchet 1886, by Steve Hootman