
Dimorphanthera species SEH#11068 This is a genus of shrubby plants native to New Guinea where they grow alongside their relatives in the Ericaceae – vireya rhododendrons, blueberries and Gaultheria spp. This genus is most closely related to blueberries (Vaccinium) but unlike these widespread and widely grown relatives, the various species of Dimorphanthera are rarely seen in cultivation. The flowers and fruit are very similar to those of a blueberry but on a vastly larger scale – with the flowers sometimes over two inches in length. These range in color from white to pink, red and bicolor. Our first offering of this collection which I have not seen in flower. Best treated like a vireya with excellent drainage and protection from frost. (+32) RSBG $23.00-B

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Featured Icons: New Offering


Cultural Ratings : (+32)

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Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 × 12 in