
Cardiocrinum giganteum The famous and incredible Himalayan Giant Lily. This will top out at around 8 to 14 feet in height when it pushes its amazing flowering stalk into the air. The foliage is reminiscent of a large glossy green hosta which attains greater and greater proportions as the massive bulb gains strength year after year. At around 6 to 8 years, the flowering stalk shoots upwards, bearing numerous huge white and highly fragrant lily flowers, each with a broad red flush in the tube. Definitely one of the highlights in the early summer garden. Quite adaptable in the garden but best in a rich, moist soil in light shade although tolerant of full sun if kept moist enough. The tallest flowering stems are attained when plants are well fed and watered. (0) RSBG 3 to 4-yr. old bulbs for

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