Pursue physical and mental wellness by practicing yoga in the serene outdoor setting of the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden. The Garden is pleased to offer Yoga in the Garden:
from: August 21st – October 9th
every: Wednesday at noon
These one hour sessions take place in the meadow by the Alpine Garden, unless it’s raining in which case practice will take place under the eaves of the Rutherford Conservatory. The 8-week series will focus on enhancing calmness in this often-stressful world, and on improving physical well-being as a gateway to mental clarity.
Drop-in fees are:
$18 for non-RSBG members;
$14 for seniors, active military, Weyerhaeuser employees and RSBG members
Alternatively, the entire series may be purchased for a discounted price of $130 or $100, respectively. All fees include admission to the garden (an $8 value), and students are welcome to take full advantage of the grounds before or after their yoga session.
Mats may be rented for a fee of $2 per session, but should be reserved in advance.
Classes are led by Kimberly, a Certified Yoga Instructor who provides individual and group instruction to people of all backgrounds. She has been practicing yoga since 1999 and teaching since 2007. She completed her teacher training at the Yoga Institute of Houston, and has taught in the US Virgin Islands, Wisconsin, Texas, and now Washington.
Kimberly draws on a breadth of Hatha Yoga styles including Vinyasa, Iyengar, and Ashtanga with a goal of leading sessions that are responsive to the needs of each class. She encourages students not to worry so much about doing yoga precisely “right,” but rather to just do yoga. This advice is premised on the belief that practice done regularly and with an open spirit will reap its own benefits, simply by virtue of being done. Improved health and clear-mindedness will naturally follow, always and without exception. For those dealing with numerous or high-pressure commitments, the process of self-soothing by reconnecting with the body is particularly critical.
Register on-line or by calling 253-838-4646 Ext. 140 or in person at the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden’s Gift Shop located at 2525 S. 336th Street, Federal Way, WA (on the Weyerhaeuser Corporate Campus, follow signs to the Rhododendron & Bonsai Gardens).
A waiver must be signed by all participants.