
___ oldhamii PM#140909 This evergreen azalea has long reddish hairs on the leaves for an attractive and distinctive “fuzzy” look. The flowers (early summer) are large and funnel-shaped, brick-red to coral-pink with spots. A very ornamental species with large leaves and flowers compared to most evergreen azaleas. Quite heat tolerant and good for regions such as California and the southeast. From seed collected in the wild in its native Taiwan. ((0R14) RSBG#132sd2009 $23.00

Additional Information:

Featured Icons: New Offering, Steve Pick
Catalog Section: AZALEAS
Collector Num : PM#140909

Seedlot for Catalogs : 132sd2009
Cultural Ratings : (0R14)

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 6 in