
Rhododendron fansipanensis DJHV#110 This is another exciting new species from the rich forests of northern Vietnam. This was originally collected in the early 1990s by Keith Rushforth, Tom Hudson, etc. as “arboreum ssp. delavayi affinity” but several gardens (including the RSBG) have flowered these original collections and it is obvious this is a completely new species. The elliptic leaves of this shrubby plant are somewhat reminiscent of the foliage of arboreum but the indumentum is distinctly different (thin, cinnamon-colored and somewhat spongy) and the flowers range from pink to lavender with dark purple nectar pouches. The new growth and stems are densely coated with cinnamon indumentum. Seems to be quite hardy, having survived undamaged in the open at the RSBG through the past few harsh (by our standards of course) winters. (0?R15) RSBG#102sd2007

Additional Information:

Featured Icons: Steve Pick
Collector Num : DJHV#110

Seedlot for Catalogs : 102sd2007
Cultural Ratings : (0?R15)

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 14 in