Meerkerk Gardens

Meerkerk Gardens Located on Whidby Island, in Washington State, Meerkirk is dedicated to developing and testing hybrid rhododendrons for growing in the Pacific Northwest.  Their 50 acre woodland garden is well worth a visit.

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Leach Botanical Garden

Leach Botanical Garden Leach Botanical Garden is located in a woodland hollow carved by Johnson Creek in southeast Portland, Oregon. This botanical garden specializes in preserving the original Leach collection as well as introducing Northwest native plants through educational programs, conservation, and community involvement.

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Vireya Site

Vireya Site This website is dedicated to presenting the plants of Rhododendron subgenus Vireya – more commonly known as Vireya Rhododendrons, or simply Vireyas. It is an excellent reference site.

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Azalea Society of America

Azalea Society of America Some of this site is limited to members, but much of it is open for readers and it includes material on care and cultivation as well as a free newsgroup that you can join whether or not you are a member of the Society.

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Glendoick Gardens

Glendoick Gardens It all started over 100 years ago. Born in 1893, Euan Cox was invalided out of First World War and avoided going on a troop ship which was sunk just outside Southampton. During the war he worked as John Buchan’s secretary at the Foreign Office. In 1919 Euan was invited by well-known plant […]

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American Rhododendron Society

The American Rhododendron Society The American Rhododendron Society is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to encourage interest in and to disseminate information about the genus Rhododendron.  Members’ experience ranges from novice to expert.  Society activities include public education, flower shows, seed exchanges, scientific studies, and communication through publications and local and national meetings.  ARS […]

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The WNARS Project mission is to research and identify all locations of the indigenous Rhododendron species of the western United States and Canada and create a computerized archive of this information. WNARSP endeavors to spread the

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Rhododendron Species, Vol 6, 2011


(No longer available for sale.)

Rhododendrons at the University of British Columbia Botanical Garden by Doug Justice

The First Gardens by Charles Lyte

Some People Associated with VireyaPlant Names, by George Argent

Construction of the Rutherford Conservatory at the RSBG by Dennis Bottemiller[…]

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Hardhats and Sandals

“Hardhats and Sandals” – a Habitat for Humanity fundraiser Saturday, August 11, 2012 $30 advance ticket; $35 on-site ticket; $20 designated driver ticket.  4:00 to 7:00 pm We are joining the Weyerhaeuser Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection in welcoming Habitat for Humanity for their annual fund-raising evening.  Enjoy wine-tasting courtesy of three Washington state wineries, appetizers […]

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Species Profile: R. vernicosum

Rhododendron vernicosum is a member of the popular and widely grown group of related species known as subsection Fortunea (Fortunei Series). This subsection includes such familiar species as sutchuenense, calophytum, orbiculare, decorum, fortunei, oreodoxa, and griffithianum. Although less well known and not as common in gardens as these other deservedly popular species, R. vernicosum can […]

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Species Profile: R. triflorum

The majority of the 30 or so rhododendrons introduced by Joseph Hooker from his 1848-1850 expedition to Sikkim have become well known and, at least in species collections, widely grown. Showy and impressive species such as thomsonii, arboreum, niveum, maddenii, edgeworthii, falconeri, hodgsonii, griffithianum, campanulatum, barbatum, and cinnabarinum gained the widespread attention and admiration of […]

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Species Profile: R. sulfureum

Of all the brilliantly colored flowers in nature’s vast repertoire, I have a special affinity for those of the yellow persuasion. Now by yellow I mean the deep solid yellow found in many species of Narcissus (daffodils), for example, or the pure yellow of a buttercup. This fondness, in combination with an unreasonable lust for […]

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