Lapageria rosea. Yes, this may be it, probably my very favorite plant (excluding Rhododendron Cunningham s White of course, but that goes almost without saying). The Chilean Bellflower is a climbing evergreen vine with shiny and smooth foliage that twines its way up a trellis or into a shrub. Beginning in late summer, the pendulous and thickly-textured, waxy flowers begin to appear and these often continue into mid-winter. The beautiful flowers are typically rose-pink but range to deep red, pure white and even picotee. Not super hardy in much of the Pacific NW but fine in a sheltered spot near the water or in containers which can be brought in during the coldest days of winter (this is how I grow the many plants in my collection in West Seattle). Rarely offered, these are grown from hand-pollination of two excellent forms so no guarantee of color, but I have never seen a “bad ” lapageria. Do some research on these if you are not familiar with the plant, also check out this website which features some of the parents of these seedlings. ADD_LINK (+10) RSBG $31.00-B
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