
Kalmiopsis leachiana. Dwarf evergreen shrublets one to two feet in height. The small, oval to rounded leaves are deep green above, glistening glandular scaly beneath. The bell-shaped flowers (mid-spring) are rose to purplish red in terminal and axillary clusters. They are quite attractive and somewhat reminiscent of the flowers of Kalmia. Extremely rare in the wild, this plant was not discovered until 1930 when it was found in the Siskiyou Mountains of SW Oregon, USA where it occurs on boulders, cliffs and open slopes. Rare in cultivation, requiring extremely well-drained soil with bright light but protection from hot afternoon sun. These are cutting-grown from our own excellent clones in the RSBG Alpine Garden. These are dwarf and compact, floriferous, and seemingly long-lived forms which are referred to as the “Umpqua form “.  (-5) RSBG $34.00-B

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Featured Icons: Steve Pick


Cultural Ratings : (-5)

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Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 × 7 in