Rhododendron species nova? CDHM#14725 First introduction into cultivation. This is an almost prostrate species that I observed growing on vertical cliff faces and which has the strangest growth habit (for a vireya) of growing along the top of the container- both above and below the soil line – popping up and out on the edges (like a groundcover). Tiny glossy leaves and deep yellow single flowers. Should have quite a bit of hardiness. A very unique and distinct species. NOTE Formerly sold as poilanei. (+10R26 inches) RSBG#174sd2012 $16.00-B
Additional Information:
Featured Icons: Easy
Catalog Section: VIREYAS
Collector Num : CDHM#14725
Seedlot for Catalogs : 174sd2012
Cultural Ratings : (+10R26 inches)