Rhododendron rubiginosum DGEY#214 Large, upright growing shrubs or small trees with very densely scaly foliage and young stems. The leaves and stems are fragrant when crushed or on a hot sunny day. The widely funnel-shaped flowers (mid-spring) come in various shades of pink or lavender and even white flushed pink, usually with darker spots or a blotch. A very ornamental and easily grown species for sun or shade, providing a great display of flowers every spring. Quite variable over its extensive range in SW China and adjacent N Burma where it occurs in various habitats from 7,500 to 14,000 ft. Grown from seed collected in the wild. Very vigorous young plants with attractive scaly foliage. (0R16) RSBG#318d2001
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Collector Num : DGEY#214
Cultural Ratings : (0R16)