
Lilium leucanthum A large and erect but arching trumpet lily up to four to six feet tall in a rich, well-drained soil. Similar to the related species sargentiae and regale, differing in small details but equally beautiful and extremely fragrant. The large and spectacular flowers (mid-summer) are alabaster flushed with rose-purple and greenish or yellowish shades along the outsides of the tepals, each flower up to six inches long and four inches wide at the mouth. Native to China, these are grown from seed collected in the wild. Our first offering. (-5) RSBG#115sd2017

Additional Information:

Featured Icons: Easy, Steve Pick, Fragrant

Seedlot for Catalogs : 115sd2017
Cultural Ratings : (-5\\)

Additional information

Weight 0.7 lbs
Dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 × 10 in