
Rhododendron suoilenhense FMWJ#13431 A very exciting, newly described big-leaf species. This is a recent introduction from the China/Vietnam frontier that was first collected as both “sinogrande aff.” and “protistum aff.” as it shares characteristics of both species. This has among the largest leaves of any species in the genus and puts on an amazing foot and a half of growth each year. Beautiful white flowers with a strong red blotch. As far as is currently known, this and the more widespread sinofalconeri are the only big-leaf species in this southern region. An amazing plant that is probably similar in hardiness to sinofalconeri but I am guessing slightly less so as it comes from a somewhat lower elevation. (+5?R19) RSBG#280sd2012

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Collector Num : FMWJ#13431

Seedlot for Catalogs : 280sd2012
Cultural Ratings : (+5?R19)

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Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 5.5 × 30 in