Rhododendron polytrichum JN#12380 A newly introduced species that appears to be quite rare in the wild. This is a strong grower so far in the nursery and will probably be a very large plant in the garden. Jens Nielsen, who has seen it in the wild, called it a “great beast of a plant” and thinks it might be a link between Subsection Maculifera and Subsection Fortunea. Very large and hairy leaves (almost bristly looking – very different from anything else that I have seen). Supposedly with rose-colored flowers but well worth growing for the foliage alone. Best in light shade or woodland conditions. Our first offering. (-5\R1\5) RSBG#233sd2013
Additional Information:
Featured Icons: New Offering
Collector Num : JN#12380
Seedlot for Catalogs : 233sd2013
Cultural Ratings : (-5\\R1\\5)