
Rhododendron rubiginosum JN# Large, upright growing shrubs or small trees with very densely scaly foliage and young stems. The leaves and stems are fragrant when crushed or on a hot sunny day. The widely funnel-shaped flowers (mid-spring) come in various shades of pink or lavender and even white flushed pink, usually with darker spots or a blotch. A very ornamental and easily grown species for sun or shade, providing a great display of flowers every spring. Quite variable over its extensive range in SW China and adjacent N Burma where it occurs in various habitats from 7,500 to 14,000 ft. Grown from seed collected in the wild in the northern part of its range. Very vigorous young plants with attractive scaly foliage. (0\R1\6) RSBG#123sd2009

Additional Information:

Featured Icons: Easy
Collector Num : JN#

Seedlot for Catalogs : 123sd2009
Cultural Ratings : (0\\R1\\6)