Rhododendron souliei JN# A superb species with openly bowl-shaped flowers in late spring. These range in color from dark pink to pure white, often with spots. Bright blue-green new foliage. The leaves are quite smooth, glossy and rounded in shape. Best in light shade. These are grown from seed collected in the wild in a newly explored region of the Sino-Himalaya at the far eastern end of the range of this species and have very large leaves with some glandular hairs. Seems to be a better grower than previous introductions and will begin to flower at a young age. Absolutely beautiful flowers. (-10\R2\4) RSBG#124sd2009
Additional Information:
Featured Icons: Easy
Collector Num : JN#
Seedlot for Catalogs : 124sd2009
Cultural Ratings : (-10\\R2\\4)