Rhododendron ___ valentinioides affinity DJHMV#106 The most compact-growing and dwarf representation of this very confusing species complex – this is the “alpine form” as known from the top of the highest mountain in N Vietnam. Masses of deep yellow waxy flowers with hairy, deeply bullate, glossy green leaves. Much smaller and more compact than its close relative from just across the Red River in S Yunnan – the newly named valentinioides. Smooth and peeling reddish-brown bark. So far, this has proven to be quite hardy for a Maddenia. A stunning foliage plant with the darkest yellow flowers I have seen in a rhododendron. Grown from seed collected in the wild. Sure to become one of the most popular of the new introductions in years to come. NOTE: We have sold this in the past as valentinianum var. oblongilobatum aff./species nova? ((+5R21) RSBG#101sd2007 $19.00-B
Additional Information:
Featured Icons: Steve Pick
Collector Num : DJHMV#106
Seedlot for Catalogs : 101sd2007
Cultural Ratings : (+5R21)