Encyclopedia of Rhododendron Species

 $87.50      Special 50th Anniversary Sale: $75.00 USD

Offer expires Dec. 31, 2014

The Encyclopedia of Rhododendron Species, Second Edition

Peter and Kenneth Cox. 1997  This valuable collector’s resource, by world-renowned Rhododendron experts and plant explorers Peter and Kenneth Cox, is an ultimate reference guide to species rhododendrons. It brings together all the temperate species (excluding Vireyas) of Rhododendron in cultivation in one book of 416 pages, including two maps, over 1510 close-up photographs of flowers and leaves, and full botanical descriptions.  Learn how each species differs from its nearest relatives, when it was introduced, its wild habitat, and its flowering time. The RSBG is the only supplier of this book in North America.

Condition – NEW.


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